Den 16 mars är IMM:s generalsekreterare Hayaat Ibrahim inbjuden som keynote speaker under en konferens som Management Events anordnar. Läs er om vad Hayaat kommer tala om nedan.
Keynote : ESG & Human Rights Due Diligence: Legislation and Insights for 2022 and Beyond
Actions around Environmental, Social, Governance and human rights due diligence are becoming increasingly mandatory. With new legislations constantly forming, what used to be a ”nice to have” in the organisation is turning into an obligatory standard that requires companies to identify, manage and report risks related to these causes. What does this mean for your company, and how can you work with human rights due diligence and ESG within your business? The voice of leading industry experts will in this engaging duo keynote session present and provide you with strategic insights and ideas for this pressing topic of today.