About the code of business conduct
The Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute (IMM) has since its inception worked for self regulation as a means to combat corruption in society. In this manner, private business has been a driving force in the struggle against bribery and corruption and in convincing the government about the importance of forceful legislation on this topic.
Against this background, it was only natural for IMM to take the initiative for a reform of the Swedish anti-bribery legislation a few years ago, which led to a government sponsored report on the topic (SOU 2010:38, Mutbrott) and a Government Bill (2011/12:79, En reformerad mutbrottslagstiftning), the Bill was approved by parliament (Justitieutskottet 2011/12:JuU23).
Within the framework of the report, the Code on Gifts, Rewards and other Benefits (the “Code of Business Conduct”) was drafted.
The provisions of the Swedish Penal Code on bribery are general and difficult to interpret, despite the undertaken review thereof; the Code complement and clarifies the legislation.
The Code covers all businesses obliged to maintain bookkeeping, including publicly owned companies, and covers all types of Benefits. The Code is generally stricter than the Swedish Penal Code, anyone following the Code should be able to count on his or hers actions being legal.
The code, which is administered by IMM, has been adopted by its board of directors as effective as from 1 September 2012 and has been amended on this day, 20th of November 2014 and is published the 9th of December 2014.

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