Seminar – How to fight corruption – with focus on Swedish Authorities
17 February 2014The Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute (Institutet Mot Mutor, IMM) is arranging a seminar (in English) together with the Protocol Department of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign affairs on positive actions taken by Swedish Authorities with the objective to fight corruption.
Authorities represented at the seminar are the Swedish Police Authority, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and SIDA (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency).
The seminar will be held at the premises of IMM on the 12th of March 2014 between 09.30 and 12.00 and the seminar is now open for registration, not only for diplomats but also for everyone who is interested in receiving information on the good examples of the struggle against corruption.
For further information and agenda see the following link.
For registration, send an email with information on number of participants and name to info@institutetmotmutor.se