Launching the IMM Ethics Committe
19 September 2013The IMM Ethics Committee will be launched, September 19th 2013, during the IMM 90-years seminar. The intent with the committee is to promote good practices within the area covered by the IMM Code of Business Conduct through statements, advice and information.
The committee will give decisions based on whether a planned action is in line with the Code of Business Conduct or not. Descisions by the committee will be based on good practices within the area of anti-corruption. The committee is to be seen as another step in organizations self-regulation. Decisions given by the committee will be published on the IMM website.
All questions in relation to the committee are answered by IMM´s Secretary-general, Helena Sundén.
Phone: +46 8 555 100 56
E-mail: helena.sunden@institutetmotmutor.se