International publications


Department for International Development;January 2015. Why corruption matters

Transparency in Corporate Reporting: Assessing the World’s Largest Telecommunications Companies 2015


Controlling corruption in Europe

The Commission to The Counsil and The European Parliament; EU Anti Corruption Report/ Sweden

GRECO:15th General Activity Report (2014) 

OECD;Sweden: follow-up report to the phase 3 report & recommandations

Transparency International-Exporting Corruption, Progress Report 2014


European Union, Policy Paper

Group of States Against Coruption, Report on Sweden ;“Corruption prevention in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors”


Group of States Against Corruption. 3rd evaluation, “Transparency of Party Funding

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, phase 3 report


European Partners Against Corruption, Authority Standards

European Partners Against Corruption, Oversight Principles

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC, TRACK